Best Tips On How To Take Care Of Badminton Shoes | 2022

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Caring for your badminton shoes, jogging, playing, exercising, or running is very important. Whatever fabric consists of your shoes, no matter how much shoes are expensive and of good quality, if you do not maintain and clean your shoes on time, they will collect dirt and therefore will be affected negatively. 

Therefore, keeping your shoes neat after use and exposed to dirt is essential. Cleaning shoes often makes your shoes look attractive and shows your personality too. In this blog, I’m going to answer your question about “how to take care of badminton shoes”. Read on!

Also, read this: Top 6 Best Badminton Shoes | Best Guide You Ever Need, 2022

Here is How To Take Care Of Badminton Shoes

How to Take care of Badminton Shoes 

Some say and well say a man is known by the shoes he is wearing. The tricky part of maintaining badminton shoes is that they are primarily white and continue to be dirty after playing even one game or if they will be used for some time. 

Non-sign shoes are mostly used for indoor sports such as basketball or badminton. Its use is because these shoes have softer outer soles than other shoes. This shoe rubber is so soft that it doesn’t make blisters on the floor and gives you enough resistance to grip perfectly.

Here are some ways that will keep your badminton shoes beautiful and increase their age-

1: Magic Eraser and Clean

Some people think it is a waste of money, but investing in this is as essential as investing in your badminton shoes. Clean the deletion and magic eraser has very effective results and is readily available online on many websites such as Amazon. 

It is removing stains, spots, and defects from your shoes in a good way. Apart from these things, you can also use washrag. Make sure you don’t use it with water. You must dip it into the vinegar and then apply it to the stain. It also has extraordinary results.

2: Using Colored Nail Polish

It may not make sense to you but it really functions. Even working very well on your white sneakers that have strokes and stand out. On top of white shoes, you only need to apply white nail polish.

Likewise in this guide “how to take care of badminton shoes”, any color that your shoes turn off, the same color nail polish needs to be applied. A little touch is needed to clean the stains you can see on the shoes.

3: Using a toothbrush

Many people are accustomed to cleaning their shoes with a piece of cloth or other cleaning materials such as old socks. Using these items will not clean the shoes properly because a piece of cloth cannot reach some of your shoe areas. 

It will leave certain places that remain dirty. The best way to clean the places is to start using a toothbrush. A toothbrush will go in every possible place and will clean all types of spots, both anywhere.

You need to dip the toothbrush into the warm soapy water and rub it gently with a toothbrush on the spots or dirt. You will see the difference because all types of places will disappear.

4: Clean the Dirty Lace

Presently badminton shoes are white and white lace collects dirt very easily. Cleaning lace regularly is needed if not, your shoes will look dull and sad. Cleaning lace can be a pretty monotonous and tiring task but there is a simple but effective way to clean your rope without a crowd. You only need to boil water. 

Don’t turn off the gas until you see bubbles and boiled. Save water like 2 minutes. Let it evaporate a little. Then put the lace in the water and remove it after 5-6 minutes. You will see many differences, and your lace will be new.

5: Using shampoo

If your shoes have some oil stains, it is the best way to get rid of them. You or other people may accidentally drop a few oily things or it might happen accidentally, but now you have medicine and you don’t need to panic. 

You only need to apply a few shampoos with your fingers on the ground or spots, or oil stains. You can even rub your toothbrush on shampoo for the best results. This will give a new appearance that is charming for your shoes again.

How to Take Care of Badminton Shoes for Beginners

If you like your badminton shoes and want to take care of them well, gripping shoes should not be ignored. When you have just started playing badminton (beginners) or even if you are a middle player, one of the most important aspects to remember for court shoes is the grip of shoes that are ignored by many players, especially by intermediary players. 

Most of the time they lost their grip on shoes after wearing them several times. This article “how to take care of badminton shoes” will make you aware of how to improve or maintain the grip of your shoes or other sports shoes.

However, certain reasons affect the grip of the shoe when playing on the badminton field like 

  • If you don’t store it neatly and without spots
  • If you play on a synthetic field
  • Use your badminton shoes for other purposes such as running, exercising, or other things. These shoes have a soft soul that must be used only when playing in a room.

Ways for How to Take Care of Badminton Shoes for Beginners

There are several ways to keep your badminton shoes to the target and maintain their grip quite well, let’s read them:

1: By Cleaning your Soles and all Shoes

You will observe that badminton shoe soles are not like normal sports shoes. The only one is a complex pattern that cannot be cleaned only by rubbing it on the mat. It needs to be sanitated in the right way and it will require deep cleaning in certain ways such as-

  • First, you must remove dirt from the soles with a dry toothbrush or other brush.
  • You need to wipe your shoes with a wet cotton cloth.
  • After wiping out the cloth, you need a toothbrush for deep cleaning.
  • Applying a toothbrush requires several shampoo or soap on the shoe soles.
  • Then dip the brush into hot water.
  • Rub the toothbrush smoothly to the sole.

You can do the same process not only for cleaning soles but also to clean all your badminton shoes. This process will undoubtedly increase the grip of the shoe, and you will see the difference when you play on the field after making shoes through this process.

2: Using frictional items

The methods for how to take care of badminton shoes have synthetic courts but if you play on marble or wooden fields, no one can beat this method to increase the grip of your shoes on the field. It works by making it less slippery and by giving a lot of stability.

Some more Tips points

  • Never wear your badminton shoes outside the field not even for a moment.
  • At the end of your game when you return to the newspaper news in the shoe this will absorb the smell and make it smell when you use it again the next day.
  • Don’t wash shoes dry in the sun instead. It kills most germs and is enough.
  • Generally, if you play about 3 days a week, your shoe life is no more than 3 years. So change, Assuming you have a decent shoe around the price range of 4k Yonex.
  • That’s pretty much about shoes 

Remember to wear badminton shoes only and only to play badminton. Not to run or go shopping or go to buy milk.


Washing white shoes regularly is very necessary and unavoidable. After reading this blog on “how to take care of badminton shoes”, you will have an idea about how to care for your badminton shoes well.

Some players use running shoes when playing badminton which is wrong because running shoes do not give you extra support when moving on the badminton field. 

Also, read this: How To Store Climbing Shoes? | Best Guide You Ever Need, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I remove bad odor from my badminton shoes?

After each use, remove the insoles and let them to air out. To keep your shoes smelling fresh, try using baking soda or odor-absorbing insoles.

How should I store my badminton shoes when not in use?

Keep your badminton shoes in a cool, dry spot out of direct sunlight. To avoid mold and mildew, don’t leave them in moist or humid situations.

How can I maintain the grip of my badminton shoes?

To keep the soles clean, wipe them down with a moist towel. To retain your badminton shoes’ grip, avoid wearing them on surfaces other than the court.

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