Best Badminton Workout At Home | An Ultimate Guide, 2022

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It is difficult to admit to some people, but badminton is a sport that regularly needs good exercise. A Badminton workout at home can be achieved.

After having a break from the game, you can see the clear signs that your game has come down. One of the first common signs is that you will see the level of your reflexes down and begin to lose shots.

Decreased endurance and physical strength occur next when you feel tired in your feet, hands, and maybe your whole body.

Don’t worry, because I have built a simple badminton workout at home guide that is served to anyone at a different physical fitness level and that you can do at home, in your backyard, dancing studio in your local gym, or any small space.

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Here is the Best Badminton Workout At Home Guide

Badminton workout at home


To start a badminton workout at home, do skipping as a warm-up exercise. Skipping is an excellent exercise to keep you aware of the very importance of badminton or almost all sports of this problem. And that is also an excellent exercise to strengthen the joints on your ankle.

  • Start skipping with both legs (on your toes), then turn to a single-foot jump. After mastering it, you can do an alternative foot jump. Continue to practice; after some time, you can miss sleep.
  • You can ride a bicycle or jog on a treadmill for those who can’t miss. Any cardiovascular exercise works well.

It is recommended to start with a jump of 10 to 15 minutes. Increase the duration or try to do a double leap progressively.

Hitting the Wall

This exercise may seem challenging for most, but it is a good badminton workout at home after overcoming opportunities.

  • Start slowly and make sure your racket is in front of you. Relax your grip so you can switch to the grip of the forehand and backhand.
  • Don’t forget to bend your knees (lower your body) for better reflexes and anticipation. And take a shot at the earliest point. Use different colors with walls and two lines attached around the next level.

It is recommended to do it 500 to 1000 times. Most competitive badminton players can do 1000 times in less than 10 minutes. For beginners, it is advisable to take some shuttle and only the speed of yourself.

Variations of Push-ups

  • Starting with a standard push-up of the palm and toes in contact with the floor, lower your chest to the ground, and push up to the full arm extension back. 
  • Most badminton players enjoy variations such as push-up diamonds, spiderman push-ups, and pat push -Up because they increase the intensity of this simple exercise.


This is an easy badminton workout at home that works on your upper leg. You can do this by standing with your feet on your hips and slowly sitting on the squat until your knees are bent for only about 90 degrees. 

Then you slowly raise back to complete the repetition. Squat frogs, squat kickback, and squat with side foot elevators are good variations to add to this exercise.


Do this by starting a standing position and lowering yourself to the push-up position; the transition becomes low in squat and complete with a vertical jump with your arms lifted. 

The fluidity of the movement is essential, and so is the speed that you transition through positions – they build the intensity of the exercise. 

This is a good badminton workout at home because of the explosive power they helped wake up to his feet.

Box jumps

Other exercises that give you great explosive strength on your feet, the jumping box requires a kind of height that you can jump; Benches, stairs, or platforms may function, but they must have a comfortable height (about two legs) and stable objects. 

  • Stand about two legs from the box with your feet as wide as your hips. 
  • With one quick movement, jump up the box with both legs, then jump back to the floor. 
  • After you master this, you can try jumping a one-foot box.

Swing Racket Training

Swing racket exercises focus on the speed/strength of the wrist/strength. After some repetitions, you will feel your arms fall (this is a good sign!). You can use any racket (training racket or ordinary racket)

  • Smashing stationary (take your racket feet at the highest point, step forward, and go with full force).
  • Stationary defense (don’t forget to step forward if you lift or knock, take all the shots in front).
  • Work of the front wrist (bring a shot into a downward movement, and maintain your racket control into a small swing).


This is a simple badminton workout at home to develop core strength. 

  • With a flat back on the floor, bend your knees and your foot sheet in contact with the floor. 
  • Using your stomach, roll the upper body to carry the chest close to the knee and then lower back down slowly.

Body Circuit Exercise

Doing exercises with your weight is a good substitute for losing the gym. This is good for junior players to develop physical strength.

  • High knee jumps (jumps and knees touch the chest)
  • Burpees (make sure to return to the position of troops before you jump and do it at speed for explosive movements).
  • Jumping lunges (big balance, and remember to go down every time you are lunges)
  • Knee touches the elbow (keep your body straight like the push-up position, and the right knee touch and vice versa).
  • Touch’s knee elbow (lying to sit and lift your feet in the form of a cross leg) (right elbow touch left knee and vice versa)
  • Live foot (keep your feet from the ground and legs straight).
  • Push up (no need for an introduction)
  • Side twist to the side (sit and keep your feet spread and bend a little. Turn as far as you can) (30 to 50 repetitions).


Many things can be performed even without access to the badminton court. Any level of badminton player can follow this badminton workout at home.

The increase in your game will be huge if you can show consistency in the exercise mentioned above. Even if you can’t manage it daily, try to aim at the same 4-5 days per week with a full rest day.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I improve my reaction time at home for badminton?

Yes, perform reaction drills like catching and tossing a ball against a wall or using reaction training lights. Quick reflex workouts improve your response time on the court.

Are there any badminton-specific drills I can do without a partner at home?

Yes, activities like shadow badminton, wall rallies, and footwork patterns (like as the figure-eight drill) can be done on your own to develop your skills and fitness.

How often should I do badminton workouts at home?

To maintain a well-rounded fitness regimen that supports your badminton play, try for at least 3-4 workouts per week that include a mix of cardio, strength, flexibility, and skill exercises.

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