Best Badminton String For Professionals | An Ultimate Guide, 2022

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Badminton is an elegant sport, and many people worldwide like to play it. The racquet String is an important element of the game; often, people are unaware of the best badminton string for professionals and what to do. How does string tension affect the badminton racket?

Tension in your racket string plays an important role when playing badminton. Whether a beginner or senior player, you should choose your racket with the appropriate string tension. It is very easy to have confidence that the tighter string, the more strength you get in the shot “or,” the tighter string, the better the game. “

All statements made about the string are not true. This guide about the best badminton string for professionals will help you choose the right racket string for you.

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Best badminton string for professionals 

The importance of the right string tension

Improving Performance: The appropriate tension in the best badminton string for professionals your racket produces good strength and control in your shot.

Prevent injury: high rope tension can increase the likelihood of injury to your arms, elbows, and triceps muscles.

Rejection: Lower string tension increases the repulsion in your racket. The higher refuse gives more strength to make shots. Repulsion is very important for beginners to produce strength to make good shots in their game. 

Swing movements from the arms and wrist actions are a strong source of badminton shots. The more swing movements, the more power is produced. There will be less repulsion if tension is high, and you have to produce more strength with your wrist.

Sweet Spot: Sweet Spot is considered the most powerful. A racket with the best badminton string for professionals has a greater sweet spot on the bed string, and the higher the tension of the racket strap, the smaller the sweet spot.

Some points you have to remember when choosing a string for your racket:

  1. Like elastic, all strings stretch from the beginning when they are hung on the racket and lose their tension over time.
  2. In the bed of the rope, there is an area called a sweet spot from where each player gets the strength of their shot.
  3. Beginners are advised to use a racket with a lower string tension due to a lack of playing techniques and can skip the hit from the wrong area of ​​the bed string.
  4. The best badminton string for professionals gives more power and control if the shuttlecock is beaten on a consistent sweet bed string.
  5. String high voltage hard and less, so it is more vulnerable to solve if the miss-hit occurs.
  6. Players with good game techniques are advised to use high-voltage string rackets to play because they want a shuttle to travel in a controlled way.

Find the right string tension for you.

The best badminton string for professionals for players can vary greatly from person to person. We will not recommend looking for what professional players use and copying it unless you have a flawless mechanic and know the specific specifications of the special racket used by Nadal, for example.

But even later, everyone has a different preference. How close you are to the number you like will depend on how often you are ready to compose your racket. Some players will have a new batch hung every day, and others will do it every two months or less frequently.

String tension based on the type

There is a striking contrast between various types of strings, and each needs to be hung on different tensions from the others. For example, the most popular string on and off the tour today is the Co-Polyester String. For example, Babolat RPM Blast or Luxilon Pelau Power.

Do not exaggerate string tension, because you can suffer injuries every time you hit the shuttlecock. Dangerous to play with high-tension rackets in the initial stages of playing. Always remember that every racket can withstand the tension of the string stated.

There are various levels of string tension that the racket can hold. Like other sports equipment, badminton rackets also need to be well maintained. Always choose the tension of the string wisely that suits your racket and your level of experience. You can enjoy your game better!

String tension with a racket

This point makes me smile because I have done a few silly things in the past when I came to this aspect! I remember beforehand in the development of my tennis where I was obsessed with creating as much strength as possible and finally putting the natural intestine on the Pure Drive Babolat Plus tour at 46LBS!

Not only is it a bad intestine for my racket and game, but the racket itself is also an absolute rocket launcher. No need to say, I want to arrange a racket differently quickly! Always the factor in your racket when deciding the tension of the string.

If you have a strong racket, a higher string to melt some racket strength, and maintain ball control if you have a low-powered racket, try to arrange it a little more loosely. If you are in such a condition where you use a low-powered racket with high-powered strings, find happy media.


I think we can end this article with some fun facts. I have given you some useful guidelines to follow for the best badminton string for professionals when you come to tie your racket next time, but there are always people who do not match the mold.


String tension affects your strength and control over your game. Now, you know how string tension affects badminton racket. Many strengths in the game come from string tension, and you must know the level of string tension needed for your game.

When your expertise develops to the middle level, you can increase the string’s tension up to 22-24 lbs. Professional badminton players will use a racket with a string tension of more than 30 lbs.

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