How to Clean Your Nike Shoes in 6 Easy Steps

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Nothing compares to the satisfaction I get from putting on brand-new, spotless Nike sneakers. Whether you’re hitting the gym, going for a run, or just wearing your casual style, a clean pair of shoes can really enhance your confidence. But, let’s be honest: keeping those cherished Nikes in great condition can be difficult. Despite our best efforts, dirt, dust, and scuffs tend to find their way onto our shoes. Over time, your once-vibrant shoes may become dull and faded. That is why it is critical to understand how to clean Nike shoes in 6 easy steps.

In this article, I’ll reveal my tried-and-true methods for cleaning your Nikes in six simple stages. So, gather your cleaning products and let’s get those Nikes looking as wonderful as the day you got them!

How to Clean Your Nike Shoes in 6 Easy Steps

1. Use a Dry Brush

Use a dry brush (I recommend the Tarrago brand) to get rid of loose dirt. This prevents extra cleaning solutions from getting into places on your shoe that you do not want them to be. Get the areas with excess dust, mud or lint wet enough to begin wiping it away with a towel.

2. Make a Mild Cleaning Solution

The wheels of kids’ roller shoes are normally made from plastic or rubber. While the first one is lighter and easier to replace if damaged, the latter isn’t so heavy and can be a better choice for kids who will play indoors where there’s a lot of dirt and other material on the floor. The important thing to consider is to choose a wheel that will be easy for your kids to manage and won’t get damaged easily.

3. Style and Colors

Take one cup of water and add two teaspoons of dish soap for sneakers made out of mesh fabric, suede leather or nubuck; this includes most athletic shoes & boots as well as many dressier styles. 

For smooth leather make up a cleaner using 1/4 cup liquid laundry detergent in two cups hot tap water and stir until thoroughly mixed – do not use powdered detergent. Dip a sponge, cloth, or brush into the solution and scrub away the marks on your shoes. 

If your shoes are heavily soiled and have already started to show wear and tear, you may want to apply a leather conditioner afterward. Choose a conditioner that is designed for your specific type of shoe leather – these can be found at most Nike shoe stores.

4. Hand Wash the Laces

Remove your shoelaces and hand wash them with soap and water. Make sure to rinse them thoroughly and then let them air dry before putting them back on your shoes.

5. Wash the Soles

Take a bucket of warm water and add a small amount of dish soap. Dunk each sole in the soapy water and scrub with a stiff brush, being careful not to get water in the stitching. Rinse each sole in clean, warm water and dry them thoroughly before putting them back on your shoes or sneakers.

6. Wash and Blot the Uppers

Take a basin of cool water large enough to submerge your entire shoe in it. Add 2 teaspoons dish soap diluted in 1/2 cup white vinegar for each gallon of cool water you use. Place your shoes into this mixture using one hand while holding the shoelace out of the way with the other – don’t allow your shoelaces become submerged as they may soak up too much liquid and stretch out of shape.

Let them soak for about 5 minutes. Scrub the uppers with the cleaning solution you prepared using a sponge or soft brush. Be sure to clean all sides and to reach into any stitching or details in your shoes. When done, rinse each shoe in cool water, removing the soap from your uppers.

To make sure they are completely rinsed, let them sit in the basin of cool water for another 10 minutes, moving them around every few minutes so that the water can penetrate everywhere within the shoe’s upper. After rinsing, lay it flat on a towel and blot away any excess water that has not yet been absorbed by the towel.

Air Dry

Finally, hang your shoes somewhere where they will be allowed to dry completely. Do not place them near a heat source as this can cause your shoes to dry out prematurely, crack or become warped. If you are in a rush to put them back on, stuff them with newspaper or paper towels to help speed up the drying process.

Special Considerations for Different Materials

Depending on the materials used in your shoes, different cleaning techniques will be needed. For example, if you have shoes made of leather, suede or knit fabric, you should know that they respond differently to water and can't all be cleaned with just soap and water.

How to Clean Leather Shoes

Leather shoes can be cleaned with a damp cloth and some mild soap. Be sure to wipe the shoes clean and allow them to dry completely before putting them back on your feet.

How to Clean Suede Shoes

Suede shoes should never be washed in water, as this will ruin the material. Instead, they can be cleaned with a suede brush or a soft toothbrush. Be sure to remove all of the dirt and dust from the shoes before brushing them.

How to Clean Knit Shoes

Knit fabric shoes can be cleaned by wiping them down with a damp cloth and some mild soap. If necessary, you can also use a toothbrush to scrub away any dirt or stains. Just be sure to dry the shoes completely before putting them back on your feet.

Now that you know how to clean your shoes properly, you can keep them looking their best for years to come. By following these simple steps, your shoes will always be fresh and clean, no matter what type of material they are made from.


Following these six simple procedures can keep your Nike shoes looking fresh and tidy. Taking the effort to properly care for your shoes improves their beauty and extends their life. If your shoes are made of different materials, keep in mind that they may require specific cleaning procedures to retain their quality. With a little extra attention to detail, your favorite pairs will continue to serve you well.


Can I Wash my shoes in a washing machine?

No. Shoes are not made to withstand the force of a washing machine, especially any type that has an agitator in it. If you have ever felt the force of your clothes being slammed around in one, you can understand how your shoes would be destroyed.

How do I clean my insoles to reduce shoe odor?

You can wash your insoles to reduce shoe odor. When washing them, make sure you use a mild detergent and do not put in the dryer. Instead, let them air dry to maintain their structure and support after washing.

What if my shoes are still dirty after cleaning?

If your shoes are still dirty after cleaning them, there might be something wrong with your process. Make sure that when you attempt to remove dirt from your shoe that you rinse all of the soap suds off before they start to dry or else it will leave a film on top of the shoe material or cause discoloration. Additionally, avoid scrubbing shoes excessively as leather and other materials can get scratched easily and lose their luster over time.

How often should I clean my shoes?

It is recommended that you clean your shoes every other week or so. If you wear them frequently and for extended periods of time, then you might need to clean them more often. Additionally, if you live in a particularly dusty or dirty environment, it is a good idea to clean your shoes more regularly. By following these simple tips, your shoes will last longer and look better!

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