How to dry Shoes Without Newspaper

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In a world where we are constantly trying to save money, there is no reason why you should spend more than you have to. One way that people waste their money each year is by drying shoes with paper towels or newspapers which results in them being full of ink and torn up the next time they use them. Instead, use this method for drying your shoes so that they will last longer and be cleaner at the same time!

Every winter, we see homeowners struggle trying to dry their shoes. Most people resort to drying paper and using a fan as an alternative. But what other options do you have?

Let’s find out How to dry Shoes Without Newspaper:

1. Use newspaper:

Paper is not the best way to quickly dry your shoe. It may seem like it works, but mold can still grow inside your shoe if it’s wet for too long. The newspaper also leaves ink residue on your footwear, which stains them over time and looks unappealing.

2. Dry shoes using a fan:

To speed up the process of drying your footwear, you could try this method; however, the problem with high-speed airflow is that it’s out of leather and can cause your shoes to crack.

3. Use a shoe dryer:

A shoe dryer is worth the money if you want to quickly get rid of moisture in your footwear. It can save you time, but this option tends to be expensive.

4. Get a Shoe Dryer:

Use uncooked rice to absorb moisture and eliminate odor: The best way I know of drying my shoes fast without damaging them is by using rice. Uncooked white rice is an excellent choice for absorbing odors and excess water from materials such as leather.

5. Use uncooked rice to dry shoes and eliminate odor.

This is the best way I know of drying my shoes fast without damaging them, by using rice. Uncooked white rice is an excellent choice for absorbing odors and excess water from materials such as leather.

To dry your shoes faster, put some rice in a plastic bag, put it inside your shoe with the opening facing the toe part of the shoe, where there’s extra space. The next day takes out the bag with rice (which will now be wet) and fills your shoe with fresh dry rice. Do this every day until you notice that there are no more signs of moisture inside the shoe.

6. Dry shoes using the fridge:

By putting your sneakers in a plastic bag, and placing them in the freezer section of your refrigerator overnight, you can achieve similar results to a dryer.

The best way to make sure your shoes are completely dry is by leaving them upside down overnight or until they are absolutely bone-dry. This will ensure no moisture remains inside the shoe where bacteria could potentially grow.

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